The Wadeoutthere Fly Fishing Podcast

WOT 239: Fly Fishing and Photographing Our National Parks with Jarob Ortiz

Jason Shemchuk, Wadeoutthere

In this episode we WadeOutThere with Jarob Ortiz, from Arlington, Virginia.  Jarob started fly fishing in 3rd grade, after being drawn to the delicate cast and presentation portrayed in the popular book and movie, A River Runs Through It.  He learned to cast from his uncle from Montana, and when he signed up for the Air Force out of high school, Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska was at the top of his list.  

When he wasn’t working in the A-10 Warthog’s electronic warfare shop, he was spending all his free time traveling to fishing destinations throughout Alaska.  After separating from the Air Force, Jarob used his G.I. Bill to pay for photography equipment and education, to start his second career.  

Jarob spent several years being a commercial photographer and fly fishing on the side, before making a last ditch attempt to keep his passion for photography alive, applying for a dream job, shooting our National Parks in the style and technique of famous photographer Ansel Adams.  

Today, Jarob is THE large format photographer for the national park service, tasked to capture the historic architecture and engineering projects throughout our country.  

We discuss how becoming engrossed in the systems we commit to, whether they be fly fishing or  photography, create a balance in our lives, and Jarod shares stories and tips from some of his most memorable fly fishing adventures in our National Parks.

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Instagram: @heritagedocumentationnps

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