The Wadeoutthere Fly Fishing Podcast

WOT 235: Frank Landis - Part 1. Switching Leaders and Dry Fly Techniques in Pennsylvania

In this episode we WadeOutThere for part one of our conversation with Frank Landis, from Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  Frank grew up fishing with his father, and used fly fishing when he thought it was the best tactic to catch fish.  By college he had completely crossed over and was fly fishing every chance he got.

Frank is a middle school teacher and became a part time fly fishing guide at his local fly shop after working on the floor for several years.  

In Part 1 of our discussion, Frank shares his thoughts on Spring fishing in Pennsylvania, the mechanics of switching between his tight line nymphing rig and dry fly set up, and techniques for presentation on Pennsylvania’s trout streams.

Learn More:

Instagram: @frankflyfishes

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